Anesthesiology is the branch of medicine that deals with relieving pain before, during, and after performing a surgical procedure. The antidote used during the perioperative period is known as Anesthesia and the medical professional trained for performing the facility is known as an Anesthesiologist.
Almost all healthcare facilities provide anesthesiology service, but the success of any anesthesiology billing majorly depends on its ability of revenue generation & collection. Talking of successful anesthesia billing, the 3 crucial factors include an exceptionally trained revenue cycle management team, specialty-inclined billing software, and compliant billing practices.
Over the years, we have seen medical practices fail or bear losses due to a lack of either of the 3 crucial factors. They fail to get through the anesthesia billing process, so revenue generation is always at stake. Under such circumstances, outsourcing can be of great help.
Outsourcing your billing & coding to Rx RCM healthcare will help multiply your revenue while allowing you to offer improved patient care. Rx RCM is a renowned anesthesia billing company. At Rx RCM healthcare, our experts are focused on making your anesthesia billing process more manageable by handling the complexities and reducing errors. Our expertise helps you get the most revenue back from your anesthesia services, and it saves you time and money as well.
Well trained in the efficient use of Medical Coding Software.
Successful in processing medical claims with both commercial insurance companies and public payers like Medicaid and Medicare.
Efficient in working with Medicare & Medicaid and understanding state-specific policies.
Expert in eliminating any risk of losses, reducing costs, and helping you achieve improved clinical & operational efficiency.
Get in touch with us and ensure a healthcare practice that is never short of revenue and is always up to deliver the best care to the patients.
Our solutions allow doctors to focus on what matters the most– their patients.